
This family website was created by John & Bea (Royer) Knarr. All rights reserved, 2013-. The download or copying of files and images
is permitted for personal or non-commercial family research purposes only. All other uses, including the posting, re-publication
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John and Bea Knarr, PO Box 306, North Manchester, IN 46962.

 Knarr   Herrick   Downs   Kestle   Ault   Kintner   Lehman   Hane   Hornish   Engle
Royer   Credlebaugh    Wolff    Beery  
Erbaugh   Stull   Minnich   Hay   Coblentz
Conrad   Rich   Bolinger  



Our home in 1918.

Richard, 1921.
John, with grandparents, Harley and Hulda Knarr. 1943.
Funeral card, Hulda Knarr.
Funeral card, Francis Knarr (June 11, 1906-Nov 24, 1974).
Funeral card, Spencer Knarr (July 21, 1908-Jun 17, 1977).
Dad & Mom, Eva in Mom's lap, Elaine, Janet, John.
Eva, Elaine and Joyce
Joyce at the piano.
Joyce, with Cheryl Kennedy, July 1959.
Joyce, 1962.
Joyce Ann.
Servers at Joyce's wedding.
Cheryl Mae
Eva Marie.
Eva's wedding.
John with Elaine and Joyce, Summer 1959, Indiana University?
John, 1958-1959.
The Knarr family, traveling in the station wagon pulling a camper, 1959.
Carol with Dad, out for a trot with Minnie (age 3) and little Ginger (4 weeks), July 1971.
Boots, the family dog. Disappeared in 1969.
Janet, Eva, Elaine and infant Joyce.
Elaine, Eva, Janet in back row. Cheryl and Joyce in front. August 1960.
Family photo taken in front of Petersime Chapel, Manchester College, 1960.
Bea with John, holding Jim. Dad, Mom, Cheryl and Carol visiting us in Alfred, New York, 1967.
Jimmy liked the alligator.
Bea pulling Jim and Carol in the wagon. Haley's large elm tree is in the background. June 1969.
Mother, M.A., Ball State University.
Irene in academic robe, Master's Degree, Ball State.